Keluarga Lee Dong Gook Ucapkan Salam Perpisahan Kepada Acara The Return of Superman

Keluarga Lee Dong Gook akan segera meninggalkan acara The Return of Superman dari saluran KBS.

Lee Dong Gook yang merupakan pesepakbola profesional ini telah menjadi anggota acara The Return of Superman selama 4 tahun lebih dan kemarin istrinya telah mengumumkan bahwa keluarga mereka telah melakukan syuting terakhir untuk acara ini.

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안녕하세요??? 저희 오남매가 이제 '슈돌' 을 떠나게되었다는것을 알려드리면서 이렇게 마지막인사의 글을 올립니다. 아쉬운마음 애써달래며 눈물의 마지막촬영을 제주도에서 잘마쳤습니다. 이제 마지막방송 한편만을 남겨두고있습니다. 그동안 저희 오남매가족을 많이 사랑해주셔서 너무너무 감사합니다..? 많은분들의 사랑속에 저희 오남매는 참많이 행복했습니다.??? 저희오남매를 세상제일 예쁜아이들로 만들어주시고 큰 사랑받을수있게 밤낮으로 구상하며 함께 울고 웃었던 동팀들 ㅜㅜ감사해요 보고싶을꺼에요..? 슈돌을통해 수많은 추억들을 하나하나 영상들로 간직할수있다는건 저희에겐 그어떤 보물보다도 소중한것이 될것입니다? 앞으로 저희 오남매를 방송에서 더이상 보실수없겠지만 지금처럼 늘 이렇게 즐겁고 행복하게 잘 지내고있을거라 한번씩 생각해주시고 잊지말아주세요~~^^ Hello, I am writing to say good bye as we, five siblings, are leaving “the Return of Superman (in short ‘TROF’)”. We finished our last recording of the show in Jeju Island with deep grief and tears. Now the very last episode of the five siblings left to be aired. We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your love towards the five siblings. We have been in the greatest joy and happiness by the love and support from many of you. In return for your love which will be kept in our hearts forever, we will grow into the better and brighter. Special thanks for Team Dong for your dedication, you have been planning, recording and editing for days and nights for the five siblings to be loved by many people. You were always with us from the beginning of the show. Millions of thanks would never be enough to repay you for what you have done for us. We shared our laughs and cries with TROF. This journey has been wonderful. Looking back at it, it's amazing how all of you made us feel special for those years. Once again, we send our dearest appreciation for your love and support. #thankyou #goodbye?

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Tampil di acara ini, Lee Dong Gook dikenal sebagai ayah yang sabar menghadapi kelima anaknya. Para penonton pun jatuh cinta pada keunikan anak-anak ini, khususnya kepada anak paling muda yaitu Si An atau juga dipanggil Daebak.

Episode terakhir keluarga Lee Dong Gook akan ditayangkan KBS pada tanggal 6 Oktober 2019 pukul 18.25 waktu setempat.